Past Life Regression - New Year Energy
Wednesday January 29, 2024
8:00 - 9:15pm EST
Are you wondering which way to go in life? Let your past life guide you. In this months session we will be focusing on the energy of 2025.
Join me for group past life regression. Using relaxation and deep meditation you will drift into a past life which gave you some of your greatest powers in this life time. This practice will allow you to experience the lifetime in a way that gives you insight into your power, why you were gifted them and how they will relate to this lifetime.
We finish up this meditation with an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides who share their wisdom and gifts.
Things to know:
- anyone can do this practice
- your mind will keep you safe, not allowing you to see things you can't handle
- healing and closure happens throughout the session
How to prepare:
- make sure you have somewhere with good wifi signal
- find a comfortable place where you can lean back and relax
- make sure there is a place to put your camera as I still need to see your face
- have a second device to record your voice - video or audio
*During the session you will be muted, but can speak to be able to record what you are sensing in your session. This helps with the flow of your session and allows you to have something to go back to review afterward. Camera's will be left on so I am able to monitor everyone's progress.
Past Life Regressions will happen the last Wednesday of every month at 8pm EST on zoom. Limited to 15 participants.
Have questions? Feel free to reach out.
To arrange an alternative method of payment email - [email protected]