Faith Trust and Pixie Dust!3/9/2014 There has been a common theme in my readings and my own life over the last few weeks of trust, surrender and positivity. Something I have not been able to ignore. Something I have instead chosen to embrace, moving through this period of learning with as much grace and ease as possible.
We are finally settling in to the energy of 2014 which moves much quicker and is more demanding than that of 2013. This new energy is forcing us to look at those parts of our life that need healing and releasing and to truly do the work necessary to get this done. There is no more dragging our feet. The Universe is not standing for it. Each time we deny what is happening the Universe creates more drama or pain to enforce the need for change. Messages and signs are coming swiftly and in multiple ways. Things are unfolding rapidly and we are being asked to stand in a space of love and self-empowerment. Letting go of old habits that have held us back in our career, relationships and life. This will not be easy for some. For myself I have had to be conscious and aware at each moment with each message sent, each action taken allowing me to see where it originates from – Fear? Love? Habit? Trust? Control? Taking the time to do this has granted me sight. Open eyes to see where my actions have come from in the past. How moving from a place of fear and control has created the outcomes I did not want. How moving from a more conscious place of trust and surrender has changed that. This is not easy or comfortable at moments, but the long term effects are worth it. We all have our own “demons” to face. Things we know that no longer serve us. Things that have long needed to be released. New ways of being that need to be embraced. Always know that you are not alone on this journey of self discovery. There are many here in the physical and in spirit who stand beside you with love and support. So remember, all you need is a little “faith, trust and pixie dust”!
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AuthorShanel shares wisdom from the heart and soul. Things that pop up in daily life, along her healing journey and of course all things mystical and divine. Archives
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