Hellloooo October10/3/2013 A season of change … the trees turning shades of yellow, orange and red. The air turning crisp. Wrapped up in cozy sweaters and scarves. Picking apples. Pumpkins nestled on porches in preparation for Halloween. Cravings for hardy meals laced with spices, warming tummies. Soft mittens worn on cool morning walks to the bus and watching your breath appear like magic in
the air. Going for long walks in the woods with a pallet of colours strewn across the forest floor and the sound of leaves crunching under foot. The giddy anticipation of costumes and trick-or-treats from my kids. This is my October. Bringing the season of fall – my favourite time of year! The fall awakens a fire deep within me; warming me from the inside out in preparation for winter, the season of rest. My heart ignites with fall colours dancing before me, a beautiful sight to behold. (Feeling blessed living in a climate with 4 seasons.) My soul also ignites with the return of cooler weather, reminding me to be present in my body. Fully present feeling the touch of cold on my face, the warmth of my scarf or the tender hands of a child being held as we walk to a familiar destination. Igniting trust in what this change brings. Releasing old feelings and patterns like the trees surrendering their leaves. Shedding the old then resting in preparation to give birth to new life once again. Perched on my mediation pillow I plunge deep into contemplation of what this season of endings brings. This year has brought many ups and downs. Many lessons and moments of learning. Realizations of things that must be surrendered, things that must be welcomed into my being once again. A true sense of trust in my path and knowing that all is unfolding as it should. I welcome the feelings and emotions to rush over me with each thought and each release. Above all I welcome the love of self – authentic, sincere and deep. To love oneself in a moment of quiet and alone is to love freely. To love oneself in the dark moments of release is unconditional. To love oneself in the moment of surrender is bliss. So I welcome you to love yourself – truly and deeply love yourself unconditionally for the beautiful soul you are. Celebrate endings in your own fall meditation releasing all that no longer serves you. Inviting in the changing of your own colours. Hello October! Welcome Fall! Namaste
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