Magic4/21/2014 I had a blog post written for today, but after seeing the reading for this week I decided to save it. I wanted to remind you about magic instead. I love magic...
Life is filled with magic. It is whether we choose to see it or not that allows us to believe in it. For many, magic refers to slight of hand tricks, cutting a beautiful assistant in half and a disappearing act by a magician. But for many others this thing called magic is found in every moment of our lives. I am one of these. I see the magic surrounding me and it fills my life with joy, mystery and laughter. For magic is found in even the simplest things, if we choose to see it. I can see the magic in my children's eyes. I can feel the magic of nature. I hear the magic in my favourite songs. It moves through me as I do my yoga practice or dance. It is everywhere. Magic is found in the dimes or feathers from heaven - a reminder of our loved ones passed watching over us. It is in the messages from spirit in the form of songs, numbers, pictures or conversations that tell us we are on the right track. It is in the synchronicities that appear. It is in those moments I use to call crazy and now just call divine! Magic doesn't have to be grand. Remember that as you move through your day today. See the tiny glimmers of magic all around you. Embrace them. Allow them to bring you joy. For some see a weed, for others it's a wish or a wand! May your lives be overflowing with magic always!
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