Momcation!3/31/2014 Momcation - a vacation from being a mom (every mom needs one every once and a while)
I love my children from the bottom of my heart. They are my everything. They make my life and my heart full of love. But as a single mom, I also know how important it is to take a break. This was not an easy lesson. When I was married I ate, slept and breathed being a wife and mother - as I look back, maybe not so healthy. I was constantly tired, always on the go and never really feeling like I was getting ahead. The only self care I did was crawling into bed when I was sick or injured, but even this was minimal. Everyone else came first. I came last. End of story. As a single mom I quickly realized I could no longer function this way. There was no one around to pick up the slack when I hit the preverbal wall. Therefore self care became crucial. It was not a choice to learn the lesson, it was a necessity. It really wasn't that hard to figure out once I put my heart into it. I started small. I made the pledge that bed time was sacred. Kids were put to bed on time and that is where they stayed till morning. Sleep is important and so is me time. After they go to bed at night I spend a short time cleaning up from the evening, but then I take time doing something I enjoy - taking a hot bath, reading a book, yoga, meditation or just go to sleep. As time went on, I let go of my mommy guilt and even get a sitter sometimes to go to a yoga class, do a workshop or go out with friends. Most recently I took a momcation. My kids went to their Dad's and I went away to the Yoga Conference for 4 days. I slept in a hotel bed, ate delicious take out, did what I wanted and was not called Mom for 4 whole days. It was a divine break for the soul that ultimately makes me a better mom. Taking the time to take care of your mind, body and soul is important to EVERYONE! It doesn't matter if you are a mom or a dad, husband or wife, single or not, young or old. Everyone needs to honour their body and soul with self care. So take a momcation or a vacation to rejuvenate yourself!
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AuthorShanel shares wisdom from the heart and soul. Things that pop up in daily life, along her healing journey and of course all things mystical and divine. Archives
May 2024