Sometimes5/26/2015 Sometimes...It is nice to know you are not the only one.
Over and over again I am comforted by the words ~ "me too". Knowing someone has been there and done it too, always puts me a bit at ease. That is why I often feel compelled to share. Although to the majority that know me, I come across as a general happy, positive upbeat chick, that is not always the case. Many people would have no idea I suffer from overload on a regular occasion. Please know I do not share this information for pity or for words of support. Instead I share because you need to know you are not the only one. Sometimes, I struggle to get out of bed in the morning. Waking with exhaustion and the overwhelming sense of anxiety about what the day holds. Sometimes I want to spend the day curled up on the couch crying. And sometimes I just want to run away, change my name and join the circus. Yes, I have these kinds of days too! So here is the part where I share my secrets. I have worked hard over the past three and a half years to not let these days overtake my life. I have learned that even when I wake up this way, first and foremost I get up. I am gentle with myself and choose to put a smile on my face, even if I don't want to smile. Slowly the forced smile becomes a happy smile, as I find tiny things throughout my day to be grateful for. These things are there if you just go looking for them. Now I make the choice to make the most out of each and every day. On rough days I make time to do things that will lift my spirit and vibration. I am always gentle and kind with myself, because let's be honest - negative self talk is a slippery slope. I take care of me, making self care a priority - eating healthy, avoiding too much caffeine and sugar, getting to yoga daily and of course making sure I have kid free time (uber important for all us single parents out there). We are all fighting a battle of some sort. Some wear it on their sleeve and others hide it quietly where no one can see. Just because someone is wearing a smile, doesn't mean they aren't having a bad day too. So all in all, know that you are not alone. Reach out. Ask for help. Share. I guarantee someone else shares your pain. Sending you all giant angel hugs! xo
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AuthorShanel shares wisdom from the heart and soul. Things that pop up in daily life, along her healing journey and of course all things mystical and divine. Archives
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